Adams County, IL Obituaries
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Donnie Floyd Cottrell

Posted: 01/29/2025

DONALD FLOYD COTTRELL, of Richland, Missouri, peacefully departed this life in his home in Richland, Missouri, on January 28, 2025, at the age of seventy-two.Donald, the son of Floyd Lee Cottrell and Betty Maxine (Hull) Cottrell Beeman, was born in Keokuk, Iowa, on February 2, 1952. He grew up in his hometown of LaGrange, Missouri.He married Catherine L. Schmidt of Quincy, Illinois, on March 20, 1971. They were married fifty-three years. To this union were born three children, Daniel J. Cottrell, Michael S. Cottrell and Crystal G. Cottrell (Johnson).Donald began working as a young boy, delivering the daily newspaper. He worked at Wolfmeyer's Grocery Store in LaGrange, stocking shelves, sacking and carrying groceries and cutting meat. As a teenager he worked at Gene's Phillip 66 Gas Station in West Quincy, Missouri. He then began his road construction career working with his dad for Howard Construction for ten years from 1971 until 1981, as a Grade Checker, later being promoted to Grad